
We found Ted to be a very capable facilitator who quickly discerned where our major roadblocks lay. He outlined the philosophy and practical working of Policy Governance® which gave all Directors confidence that they understood enough to work effectively within the model. The Board of Directors of Stonecroft Ministries Inc. engaged Ted for training in the area of Policy Governance®. We had two primary objectives for this training: an over-view of Policy Governance® particularly for those Directors with less experience on a governance board, and help with revision of our Ends.

Ted was kindly assertive in pointing out some difficult areas and effective in guiding us to taking ownership of the issues that belonged to the Board and encouraging us to address with Management those things that belonged with them. He guided some difficult discussion, holding up the standard of godly leadership.

Both Directors and Management benefited from his insight, wisdom and constant reminders of what was governance and what was management. The result of our time with him was a new Ends statement which was measurable and without imbedded means.

Our Board appreciated Ted’s godly counsel and his servant attitude. He gave far more than we had contracted for and in fact continued contact with thoughts since our meeting.

We would recommend Ted to any board wishing to be better at governing effectively.

Lorraine Myrholm

Policy Committee Chair

Stonecroft Ministries


Although the North American Baptist Conference had adopted Policy Governance, as the incoming Moderator I found myself unclear as to how Policy Governance actually functioned on a practical basis. As a Board we decided if we were going to pursue this governance model we needed to do it properly and effectively. Ted Hull's book A Guide to Governing Charities served as a good primer. We then decided that to get serious we needed to be trained and coached until we understood our role as protectors of the owners and their informed wishes, equipped to provide clear instruction to the Executive Director and implemented meaningful effective monitoring processes. Over the past year Ted worked with the board, as well as with me the Moderator and with the Executive Director. With his input and coaching we have considerably improved our competence in governing which has in turn increased our confidence and reduced our stress.

Engaging Ted to assist us on this journey has been a very worhtwhile investment in our ministry.

Bob Fast


North American Baptist Conference

Roseville CA


Ted has helped Missionfest Manitoba Inc. in the process of moving from a board-run model to a Policy Governance model. The process was extremely worthwhile and has resulted in a more efficient organization. As the Executive Director of Missionfest Manitoba, I appreciate the clear dilineation of the roles of the board and myself. Prior to Policy Governance the responsibilities of the board and staff were unclear and ineffiecient.  With Ted's capable guidance we were able to define these roles, transiiton to the new model and then follow these policies.

Gordon Gilbey

Executive Director

Missionfest Manitoba Inc.


Ted has been a tremendous help as Grant Memorial Church implemented Policy Governance. What has been especially helpful is his availability to mentor me in producing monitoring reports and coaching the board as it reviews them.

His obvious experience and consistent input have assisted our Church in maintaining the discipline necessary to maximize the benefits and avoid many of the pitfalls in executing the Policy Governance model.

Ken (Chopper) Wilson

Executive Pastor

Grant Memorial Church

Winnipeg Manitoba


The Board of Salem Acres Bible Camp Association has had the privilege of working with Ted Hull for about three years now. After reading Ted’s book, A Guide to Governing Charities, our organization made the decision to adopt Policy Governance® and engage Ted as our consultant. This has turned out to be one of the best decisions we ever made.

Prior to that, the board exhausted itself as it tried to put out endless fires, resolve conflict and run operations. Members were barely engaged and we had serious questions about the viability of the organization. Ted’s expertise has been invaluable in helping us navigate our way out of chaos. We have clarified the purpose of our existence, our membership has grown tenfold, and member engagement is at an all-time high.

As the current board chair, I have been delighted by Ted’s service. He answers call, responds to e-mails in a timely fashion and frequently checks in inquire how he can be of further assistance. He attends our board meetings, serving as a sounding board, while fostering our ability to make policy based decisions that will serve the long-term interest of our organization. Our monthly meetings have gone from 5 hours to 2 hours while being twice as productive.

Our organization continues to grow stronger, marching boldly towards our now clarified Ends, bolstered by a policy manual and supporting documents that clearly reflect our values, and serve as an organizational compass. We are confident that we can continue to fine-tune our tools and skills as our organization grows, because of the solid foundation that Ted has provided us.

Ted Hull has exceeded our expectations!

I highly recommend his services to charities who want to serve joyfully and effectively with clarity and focus.

Moji Ajele


Salem Acres Bible Camp Association

Elnora Alberta


You have done a great job of leading us through this process as well as challenging us to apply what we've learned. Looking forward to this new role on the Board where I no longer have to worry about vacuum cleaners, carpet colours and pop machines!

Cam Buchanan

Board Chair

Waverley Church

Winnipeg MB 


One of Ted's strengths is taking ideas from the participants and following them out to their logical conclusions...his personal style, humour and illustrations help all to understand what the options may include. Clarity to see around the corner to possible roadblocks are a strength he brings to the discussion.

Lloyd Peters

Senior Pastor

Fort St. John Alliance Church

Fort St. John BC


The Baptist General Conference of Canada has used Ted's services extensively over the past few years. We expect our board members to read his book, A Guide to Governing Charities as part of their orientation to our board. When it comes to a simple and clear explanation of the responsibilities of a board member, I believe it is the best book out there.

As well, Ted has spent time with our entire board doing consulting work. He listens well, gives good feedback, and points out areas of improvement--all with a spirit of encouragement and direction.

Finally, I personally have consulted Ted with help in providing good leadership to the Baptist General Conference of Canada Board. He "leans in" to hear my points but also "stands back" to give objectivity. That balance can be very difficult to maintain, but he does it well.

Jamey McDonald

Executive Director

Baptist General Conference of Canada

Edmonton, Alberta T5V 1J4 


Thank you for being part of the leadership restructuring at Word Of Life Mission Church. Thank you for your professional and personal opinions and assistance in preparing a new set of Bylaws. We greatly appreciate your help and with all the working copies and recognize we would not have done all this in a timely and professional manner without your assistance and input.

Word of Life Mission Church

Niverville Manitoba 


Ted is a man who has helped the Ministry of Promise Keepers Canada in tremendous ways. He is focused, able to clarify what may seem like a cloudy situation, and brings practical ideas and solutions to the table. His straightforward manner is needed for organizations that are wrestling through various situations, and his ability to connect the solution with the overall goals of the organization is a true benefit to anyone who uses his services.

We are grateful for the assistance Ted has given us to clarify mission, goals and to also make sure the people involved were having a sense of security and excitement.

Kirk Giles


Promise Keepers Canada 


Ted is someone I contact when I need clear, concise and unbiased direction. He will often offer two or three opinions, make a recommendation as to which option he believes is the best, and then leaves the choice with us. As a consultant to our Board of Directors, Ted is involved in our transition to a Carver model of Policy Governance. He is able to synthesize the issues that come to the Board, thereby enabling the Board members to focus on their appropriate oversight, mandate and role rather than getting bogged down in details.

Ron Pearce

Executive Director, Empower Ministries 

President, Empower Ministries International


 Our church has grown, and we began to review who we are as a church and what our goals are. We were facing a standstill in dealing with some management decisions. As a board, we had discussed these same table topics, and had to keep returning to the same discussion month after month, without coming to any concrete direction. For many, it was turning into frustration and a loss of passion their area of serving. After months of speaking circles around the table, your presence was not only highly regarded, but indeed very pivotal.

We have greatly appreciated your presence in our discussions, providing some structure and guidance, without leading us or implanting your thoughts. You have an uncanny ability to drill out the heart of the matter with your style of questioning, to clarify our thoughts. Your easy going manner made it comfortable for everyone to speak, and we noticed how careful you were to repeat our thoughts back to us, ensuring that no one was assuming what might have been meant. Even in discussing sensitive and passionate issues with various views, you were able to direct us to our priorities, giving encouragement and helpful guidance.

Management Team

Hillside Community Church

Morden MB



  • The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
October 16th, 2018
You love Policy Governance®, except for that negative language requirement. Why can’t one just tell the CEO how to do something? .....
Introductory Policy Governance® Workshop
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We found Ted to be a very capable facilitator who quickly discerned where our major roadblocks lay. He outlined the philosophy and practical working of Policy Governance® which gave all Directors confidence that they understood enough to work effectively within the model. The Board of Directors of Stonecroft Ministries Inc. engaged Ted for training in the area of Policy Governance®. We had two primary objectives for this training: an over-view of Policy Governance® particularly for those Directors with less experience on a governance board, and help with revision of our Ends.

Ted was kindly assertive in pointing out some difficult areas and effective in guiding us to taking ownership of the issues that belonged to the Board and encouraging us to address with Management those things that belonged with them. He guided some difficult discussion, holding up the standard of godly leadership.

Both Directors and Management benefited from his insight, wisdom and constant reminders of what was governance and what was management. The result of our time with him was a new Ends statement which was measurable and without imbedded means.

Our Board appreciated Ted’s godly counsel and his servant attitude. He gave far more than we had contracted for and in fact continued contact with thoughts since our meeting.

We would recommend Ted to any board wishing to be better at governing effectively.

Lorraine Myrholm

Policy Committee Chair

Stonecroft Ministries


Although the North American Baptist Conference had adopted Policy Governance, as the incoming Moderator I found myself unclear as to how Policy Governance actually functioned on a practical basis. As a Board we decided if we were going to pursue this governance model we needed to do it properly and effectively. Ted Hull's book A Guide to Governing Charities served as a good primer. We then decided that to get serious we needed to be trained and coached until we understood our role as protectors of the owners and their informed wishes, equipped to provide clear instruction to the Executive Director and implemented meaningful effective monitoring processes. Over the past year Ted worked with the board, as well as with me the Moderator and with the Executive Director. With his input and coaching we have considerably improved our competence in governing which has in turn increased our confidence and reduced our stress.

Engaging Ted to assist us on this journey has been a very worhtwhile investment in our ministry.

Bob Fast


North American Baptist Conference

Roseville CA


Ted has helped Missionfest Manitoba Inc. in the process of moving from a board-run model to a Policy Governance model. The process was extremely worthwhile and has resulted in a more efficient organization. As the Executive Director of Missionfest Manitoba, I appreciate the clear dilineation of the roles of the board and myself. Prior to Policy Governance the responsibilities of the board and staff were unclear and ineffiecient.  With Ted's capable guidance we were able to define these roles, transiiton to the new model and then follow these policies.

Gordon Gilbey

Executive Director

Missionfest Manitoba Inc.


Ted has been a tremendous help as Grant Memorial Church implemented Policy Governance. What has been especially helpful is his availability to mentor me in producing monitoring reports and coaching the board as it reviews them.

His obvious experience and consistent input have assisted our Church in maintaining the discipline necessary to maximize the benefits and avoid many of the pitfalls in executing the Policy Governance model.

Ken (Chopper) Wilson

Executive Pastor

Grant Memorial Church

Winnipeg Manitoba


The Board of Salem Acres Bible Camp Association has had the privilege of working with Ted Hull for about three years now. After reading Ted’s book, A Guide to Governing Charities, our organization made the decision to adopt Policy Governance® and engage Ted as our consultant. This has turned out to be one of the best decisions we ever made.

Prior to that, the board exhausted itself as it tried to put out endless fires, resolve conflict and run operations. Members were barely engaged and we had serious questions about the viability of the organization. Ted’s expertise has been invaluable in helping us navigate our way out of chaos. We have clarified the purpose of our existence, our membership has grown tenfold, and member engagement is at an all-time high.

As the current board chair, I have been delighted by Ted’s service. He answers call, responds to e-mails in a timely fashion and frequently checks in inquire how he can be of further assistance. He attends our board meetings, serving as a sounding board, while fostering our ability to make policy based decisions that will serve the long-term interest of our organization. Our monthly meetings have gone from 5 hours to 2 hours while being twice as productive.

Our organization continues to grow stronger, marching boldly towards our now clarified Ends, bolstered by a policy manual and supporting documents that clearly reflect our values, and serve as an organizational compass. We are confident that we can continue to fine-tune our tools and skills as our organization grows, because of the solid foundation that Ted has provided us.

Ted Hull has exceeded our expectations!

I highly recommend his services to charities who want to serve joyfully and effectively with clarity and focus.

Moji Ajele


Salem Acres Bible Camp Association

Elnora Alberta


You have done a great job of leading us through this process as well as challenging us to apply what we've learned. Looking forward to this new role on the Board where I no longer have to worry about vacuum cleaners, carpet colours and pop machines!

Cam Buchanan

Board Chair

Waverley Church

Winnipeg MB 


One of Ted's strengths is taking ideas from the participants and following them out to their logical conclusions...his personal style, humour and illustrations help all to understand what the options may include. Clarity to see around the corner to possible roadblocks are a strength he brings to the discussion.

Lloyd Peters

Senior Pastor

Fort St. John Alliance Church

Fort St. John BC


The Baptist General Conference of Canada has used Ted's services extensively over the past few years. We expect our board members to read his book, A Guide to Governing Charities as part of their orientation to our board. When it comes to a simple and clear explanation of the responsibilities of a board member, I believe it is the best book out there.

As well, Ted has spent time with our entire board doing consulting work. He listens well, gives good feedback, and points out areas of improvement--all with a spirit of encouragement and direction.

Finally, I personally have consulted Ted with help in providing good leadership to the Baptist General Conference of Canada Board. He "leans in" to hear my points but also "stands back" to give objectivity. That balance can be very difficult to maintain, but he does it well.

Jamey McDonald

Executive Director

Baptist General Conference of Canada

Edmonton, Alberta T5V 1J4 


Thank you for being part of the leadership restructuring at Word Of Life Mission Church. Thank you for your professional and personal opinions and assistance in preparing a new set of Bylaws. We greatly appreciate your help and with all the working copies and recognize we would not have done all this in a timely and professional manner without your assistance and input.

Word of Life Mission Church

Niverville Manitoba 


Ted is a man who has helped the Ministry of Promise Keepers Canada in tremendous ways. He is focused, able to clarify what may seem like a cloudy situation, and brings practical ideas and solutions to the table. His straightforward manner is needed for organizations that are wrestling through various situations, and his ability to connect the solution with the overall goals of the organization is a true benefit to anyone who uses his services.

We are grateful for the assistance Ted has given us to clarify mission, goals and to also make sure the people involved were having a sense of security and excitement.

Kirk Giles


Promise Keepers Canada 


Ted is someone I contact when I need clear, concise and unbiased direction. He will often offer two or three opinions, make a recommendation as to which option he believes is the best, and then leaves the choice with us. As a consultant to our Board of Directors, Ted is involved in our transition to a Carver model of Policy Governance. He is able to synthesize the issues that come to the Board, thereby enabling the Board members to focus on their appropriate oversight, mandate and role rather than getting bogged down in details.

Ron Pearce

Executive Director, Empower Ministries 

President, Empower Ministries International


 Our church has grown, and we began to review who we are as a church and what our goals are. We were facing a standstill in dealing with some management decisions. As a board, we had discussed these same table topics, and had to keep returning to the same discussion month after month, without coming to any concrete direction. For many, it was turning into frustration and a loss of passion their area of serving. After months of speaking circles around the table, your presence was not only highly regarded, but indeed very pivotal.

We have greatly appreciated your presence in our discussions, providing some structure and guidance, without leading us or implanting your thoughts. You have an uncanny ability to drill out the heart of the matter with your style of questioning, to clarify our thoughts. Your easy going manner made it comfortable for everyone to speak, and we noticed how careful you were to repeat our thoughts back to us, ensuring that no one was assuming what might have been meant. Even in discussing sensitive and passionate issues with various views, you were able to direct us to our priorities, giving encouragement and helpful guidance.

Management Team

Hillside Community Church

Morden MB


Primary Contact
272-3336 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3K 2H9
  • The Pros and Cons of Negative Language in Policy Governance
October 16th, 2018
You love Policy Governance®, except for that negative language requirement. Why can’t one just tell the CEO how to do something? .....

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