Introductory Policy Governance® Workshop
- As a board member, do you ever wonder if you are overlooking something but with no idea what it is? Does your board feel it does not serve any purpose other than rubberstamping the leader’s ideas?
- As a leader, do you go into a board meeting knowing there is a landmine but not knowing where it is?
- Are board agendas and decisions predetermined in pre-meetings held between the chair and the leader so that the board meeting feels like an FYI session?
- Is the relationship between the board and the leader one of mistrust?
- Do board members periodically resign mid-term because “my schedule doesn’t allow me to give board matters the attention they deserve”?
- Are many of the leader’s decisions queried and critiqued against some invisible standard?
- Do leaders resign with anemic explanations for their untimely departure?
- Is the board disappointed by the failure of the leader to recruit new board members?
- Do parking lot conversations have greater openness and passion than formal meetings?
- Is appropriate conflict avoided by leaving problems unnamed and unaddressed?
Then you are ready for an Introductory Policy Governance Workshop facilitated by Ted Hull.
This includes:
- A one-day introduction to the principles of Policy Governance
- Sufficient detail and opportunity for questions to enable a board to make an informed decision as to whether it wishes to proceed with implementing Policy Governance.
This workshop is appropriate for:
- Boards, pastors, CEO's and executive directors who want to learn more about the Carver Policy Governance model
- New members of a board which is already using Policy Governance
- Boards that have implemented Policy Governance on their own or with an outside facilitator and now need a refresher facilitated by a qualified Policy Governance coach who is fully conversant with the details of the Policy Governance model.
To book the Introductory Policy Governance Workshop facilitated by Ted Hull, email us or phone 204.898.6740
Policy Governance® is an internationally registered service mark of John Carver. Registration is only to ensure accurate description of the model rather than for financial gain. The model is available free to all with no royalties or licence fees for its use. The authoritative website for Policy Governance is